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Department of Research and Innovation

The Research and Innovation Department is consulted on the research policy of CHU Caen Normandie. It is a support structure for clinical research whose main mission is to ensure the development of clinical research and therapeutic innovation at the CHU Caen Normandie and in the region for establishments that do not have a DRCI.

The DRI has a role of scientific animation, encouragement and support with hospital teams for the emergence of clinical research projects and the implementation of innovations.

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    The General Management of the CHU de Caen Normandie relies on a key function which is the Department of Research and Innovation ( DRI ) , the joint responsibility of which is entrusted to the Director of the UFR de santé of the University of Caen and to the Director of Research.

    The DRI federates and organizes support missions for clinical, biomedical and epidemiological research within the University Hospital of Caen Normandy. In particular, it accompanies projects on their methodological, statistical, regulatory, administrative and operational aspects in connection with the care services and the functional departments of the CHU.

    It is made up of the following research support services:

    • Research Structures : Clinical Research Unit, Public Health Unit and Regional Center for Occupational and Environmental Pathologies
    • the Support and Investigation Platforms : Biological Resource Center, the Adult and Pediatric Clinical Research Center and the Methodology Platform
    • the Management and Steering Department : General and Financial Affairs, Quality and Certification
    Interregional Group for Clinical Research and Innovation North-West ( GIRCINO )

    The circular DGOS /PF4 n° 2011-329 of July 29, 2011, created 7 GIRCI which cover the whole of the French territory (Dom Tom included) . These GIRCIs have the mission of ensuring the animation and support for clinical research which cannot be effectively provided individually by each health establishment. Caen Normandy University Hospital is part of GIRCINO .


    Gender Equality Plan CHU CAEN
    • Quality policy and ISO 9001 certification

      Quality policy and ISO 9001 certification

      The demand for quality in health research is a constant concern of the institution and its professionals. In this context, and in line with the establishment's quality policy, the General Management of the CHU has promoted a quality approach since 2018, based on the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard (2015 version) . This ambition covers all of the CHU's research support missions for funded interventional clinical trials, missions organized within the Clinical Research Unit, the methodology platform and the Clinical Research Center.

      Thus, the Research and Innovation Department has certified to the ISO9001:2015 standard a quality management system which concerns all clinical research support activities for the support of funded interventional clinical trials: instruction projects and funding, design, implementation and monitoring, carrying out the investigation and final data analysis .