Service(s) concerned
Sex Wednesdays
November 22, 2023
Student associations involved in sexual health
For this November edition, the floor is given to student associations engaged in the promotion of sexual health in Caen.
- The Pélicaen SH association : return to the sexual health project
- The Mains Violettes association : fight against sexual and gender-based violence
- Corpomedicine : presentation of projects related to sexual health
- The Bloodsational Collective
- The ASSUREIPSS Association
Free and open to all
November 22, 2023
6:30 p.m.

Health Training and Research Center
Health Training and Research Center
Amphitheater 210
Published on November 15, 2023
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CHU Caen Normandy
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CS 30001
14033 CAEN cedex 9
Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
CS 30001
14033 CAEN cedex 9