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New University Hospital New University Hospital
Clinical research

Research, innovation and health data

The CHU Caen Normandie leads an ambitious policy of research, innovation and development. Through its Clinical Research and Innovation Department , the establishment ensures the development of clinical research and therapeutic innovation in the region.

CHU Caen Normandy

Participate in a clinical research project

Clinical trials are voluntary, and anyone can potentially participate in a clinical trial. Furthermore, the law guarantees the protection of participants. These trials advance research.
Did you know ?
clinical tests

Anyone can be asked to participate in a clinical trial.

» Either you are asked:
  • by display, announcement or media,
  • during a consultation with the doctor

During your care, the doctor may suggest that you take part in biomedical research on a diagnostic method, a therapeutic strategy, a drug, a product, an innovative material, in order to develop medical knowledge and therefore to progress in the treatment of your pathology.

Your participation in such trial is voluntary, not mandatory. You have time to reflect before giving your answer. A refusal does not in any way modify your follow-up at the CHU de Caen.

If you agree to take part in the trial, the doctor will have you sign an “informed” consent form and will give you a copy, after having given you full information on the terms of your participation and the implications of the research.

Complete information will be given to you and you will be able to ask all the questions that concern you. You remain free to end your participation at any time.

» Either you volunteer, independently, by contacting the Clinical Research Center of the CHU de Caen

Each trial has its own inclusion or eligibility criteria (age, type and stage of the disease, associated diseases, medical history, etc.) which determine whether or not a given patient can be included in such trial.
These criteria thus guarantee the homogeneity of the groups studied and thus make it possible to obtain reliable results.

Before actually participating in the clinical trial, you benefit from a preliminary medical examination, adapted to the clinical research context, the results of which will be communicated to you.

Use of your data in research projects

Your participation in health research at CHU Caen Normandie

Your data or your samples can contribute to the improvement of medical and scientific knowledge.

We thank you for this contribution to the benefit of the health and well-being of all.

The regulations distinguish research carried out on data or samples from research requiring specific examinations.

Research on data and samples from care

When you come to CHU Caen Normandie, you will be asked if you object to your data or your samples from the treatment being used for research purposes. Remember to indicate if you object to such use.

Research requiring specific examinations

For such research, your written consent will be required. After informing you about the nature of the research and its purpose, the doctor will suggest that you be included in a research protocol. He will communicate to you a specific consent to the study which you will be asked to sign.

For more information :

You wish to object to the use of your data

If you wish to object to the use of your clinical data, you can inform your doctor or the Data Protection Officer by sending him an email

Study figures for 2023

Open studies


open studies

or waiting for
scientific publications


scientific publications



co-development contracts