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Acupuncture sessions at the Caen Normandy University Hospital maternity ward
For more than 30 years, the gynecology of Caen Normandy University Hospital has offered its patients consultations and acupuncture sessions. Reduction of stress and pain, help with the baby's descent... This painless therapy has many benefits for pregnant women and in the management of infertility.
What is acupuncture ?
Acupuncture is a practice from Chinese medical tradition. It consists of the stimulation of “acupuncture points” on various places on the body using mainly needles*. *
In France, obstetric acupuncture can only be practiced by doctors or midwives. For qualified midwives, acupuncture teaching is provided by the Faculty of Medicine as part of an inter-university diploma in obstetric acupuncture lasting two years.
Patient care at Caen Normandy University Hospital
4 midwives are qualified at the Caen Normandy University Hospital and all the midwives in the department have received an introduction to acupuncture. It is a specialty recognized by the order of doctors and midwives.
Acupuncture consultations are offered all day Tuesday by one of the qualified midwives.
Each session lasts approximately 45 minutes. First, the midwife receives the patient for an interview for around ten minutes in order to carry out a complete and detailed interview and to better identify the ailments to be treated. Then, she places the patient comfortably in a room with dim lighting and soft music conducive to relaxation and calming. Finally, very fine needles are positioned on specific points of the body. They stay in position for between 20 and 30 minutes.
All patients can benefit from this treatment which improves their well-being.
Relieve the mother during pregnancy
Acupuncture offers many benefits to pregnant women, promoting physical and emotional balance throughout pregnancy. This is also one of the first recommendations from the High Authority of Health in cases of nausea and vomiting during the first trimester.
It is also beneficial, among other things, for managing stress and anxiety, relieving back pain and joint pain, helping to manage sleep disorders or preparing for childbirth.
Acupuncture is also offered at the end of the course with sessions in the birthing room and in the birth suite. This can help with cervical dilation or descent of the baby and also with postpartum pain.
Isaline performed several acupuncture sessions during her first pregnancy and for the current one:
“You hardly feel anything, it doesn't hurt at all and the benefits are felt very quickly during and after the session. The sessions even helped turn the baby! »
Supporting women in their PMA
Acupuncture is concrete support for women undergoing Medically Assisted Reproduction ( MAP ). By promoting blood circulation and reducing stress, it can improve the chances of successful treatment.
In addition, it offers a moment of physical calm before and after embryo transfer, can relieve the side effects of ART medications and contributes to the emotional well-being of women during this delicate journey.
Published on February 20, 2024
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