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<sup>36th</sup> World No Tobacco Day



Wednesday, May 31, 2023

36th world no tobacco day

On Wednesday May 31, 2023, the team from the CHU Caen Normandie smoking coordination unit comes out of the walls of the CHU and mobilizes alongside the League against cancer Committee of Calvados and the city of Caen to meet the Caen, answer questions from the general public about tobacco and offer free tobacco assessments.
This year, the day will be themed “Grow Food, Not Tobacco”.

Event information stand on quitting smoking

Information stand on quitting smoking with the smoking cessation team from CHU Caen Normandie
Free tobacco assessment : evaluation of addiction by the smoking cessation team
Presence on the day of the League against Cancer – Calvados
• With the participation of the city of Caen and Caen la mer

CHU Zero tobacco, breathe!

The CHU Caen Normandie is mobilizing for the health of its patients and staff. In order to offer them a healthy care and work environment, it is now forbidden to smoke throughout the hospital park outside the smoking shelters.

This measure concerns all the public: patients, visitors and professionals and smoking shelters are installed outside the places of passage.
As always, guidance and support is offered to patients and smoking staff by the tobacco coordination unit , in order to support them towards smoking cessation.

Tobacco Free Health Center

Certified Bronze level by the RESPADD (Network of Health Establishments for the Prevention of ADDictions) in January 2020, the CHU Caen Normandie actively participates in the fight against smoking.

Among the major initiatives are:

  • The organization of an information day on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day on May 31;
  • The mobilization of teams throughout the tobacco-free month (in November) , with the organization of actions, workshops, conferences, etc.
  • The ban on smoking in and in the immediate vicinity of the CHU Caen Normandie;
  • Reinforcement of anti-tobacco signage within the premises;
  • The installation of smoking shelters and tolerance zones around the establishment;
  • Accompaniment and monitoring of smokers (patients and professionals of the establishment) ;
  • Training to support smokers in prescribing nicotine replacement therapy;
  • Compliance with the tobacco-free hospital charter.


To support and help you, the CHU Caen Normandie smoking cessation coordination unit offers smoking cessation consultations reimbursed by health insurance.

Esplanade of the banks of the Orne
Esplanade Léopold-Sedar-Senghor
14000 Caen

Wednesday, May 31, 2023
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Communication department of Caen Normandy University Hospital
CHU Caen Normandy

Press contacts

Department of Communication and Patronage
Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
CS 30001
14033 CAEN cedex 9