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New University Hospital New University Hospital
CHU 2026

A new university hospital

Together, let's build the university hospital of tomorrow!

A profoundly redesigned architectural organization to improve response to patient needs.

  • Grouping services around platforms to streamline the process by bringing the professional to the patient.
  • Thinking about architecture around hotel quality (individual rooms) , the layout of spaces (vegetation of exteriors, direct access to light in all spaces) , and the human dimension from reception to the room of the patient.


total surface

beds and places


beds and places

85% in single rooms
operating theater rooms


operating theater rooms

medical imaging rooms


medical imaging rooms

total budget


total budget

New Caen Normandy University Hospital
Biology Research

Biology Research

  • Territorial Institute of Health Biology
  • Department of Clinical Research and Innovation
Logistics Pharmacy Administration

Logistics Pharmacy Administration

  • Executive management
  • Directions
    • Infrastructure and reconstruction
    • Digital and information system transformation
    • Purchasing and logistics
    • Medical Affairs
    • Human ressources
    • Care
    • Financial affairs
    • Legal Affairs
    • General Affairs
    • Quality
    • Communication
  • Institutional Medical Commission
  • Pharmacy


  • Conventional hospitalization
  • Education


  • Consulting
  • Speeches
  • Education


  • Outpatient hospitalization
  • Consulting


  • Technical platform
  • Emergency room
Car park

Car park

Big capacity


A state-of-the -art

  • In 2026 , the surgical and interventional activity platforms will make it possible to develop the use of the latest minimally invasive techniques, robotics or artificial intelligence.
  • The grouping of biology will make it possible, thanks to automation , to better respond to emergencies and, through genomic sequencing , to improve the integration of prevention with diagnosis.
  • Over the same period, imaging will be the subject of investments in order to improve equipment and enable a digital transformation of imaging activities and the use of latest-generation equipment.
  • From 2023 , the pharmacy will benefit from modernized platforms and equipment, in particular storage and distribution, and an innovative preparation platform, a reference in western Normandy.

An evolution of the capacity adapted to the needs of the territory

  • Maintaining current hospitalization capacities, while adapting to the aging of the population
  • Increase the number of outpatient places
  • Create an additional critical care unit
  • Streamline downstream care through a follow-up care and medicine center on the Clemenceau site, which is intended to be more open to the city

A digital shift for all medical, care, administrative, logistical and technical activities

Generalize the fluid and secure sharing of health data between professionals and users

Put in place , in the short term, new solutions that should simplify the patient experience and the exercise of professionals (mobile application for monitoring and making appointments, administrative management, etc.).

  • In the medium term, improving the collection, quality and availability of health data will open up new fields of application for research,
    diagnosis and care (data warehouse, data processing technique , innovations, etc.).

environmentally conscious building integrating sustainable development approaches

The site is part of a High Environmental Quality certification which aims to:

  • Controlling the impacts of a building on its external environment;
  • The preservation of natural resources;
  • Creating a healthy and comfortable indoor environment for building users.

This approach extends throughout the establishment project through reflection on eco-responsible organizations and practices: waste management, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency with the use of renewable energies, the use less energy-consuming materials, green roofs or even eco-responsible catering.

The attention paid to the expectations of patients, users and families is reflected in the entire establishment project, both through reflection on accessibility, the simplification of administrative processes and the development of the experience. patient.

Next steps

What are the next steps ?


March / April 2023

Arrival of the first crane to launch the shell of the main operation.


End of April

LPA building , gradual move-in (logistics then administration then pharmacy)


From May 2023

Asbestos removal and demolition of the current general store


From July 2023

Beginning of the elevations of the walls and floors of the main operation. This stage lasts 1 year.


October 2023

Opening of the dentistry building

silo parking

End of October 2023

Opening of the 850-space silo car park

Big work

June 2024

End of structural work on the South accommodation building

Big work

Summer 2024

End of structural work on the HDJ
Big work

January 2025

End of structural work on the medical technical platform
Big work

May 2025

End of structural work on the North accommodation building

Completion of the main operation scheduled for the end of November 2026