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Pneumology department aims to treat all respiratory diseases. The service is certified as a Competence Center for Pulmonary Hypertension, a Competence Center for Rare Diseases and Pulmonary Fibrosis, and a Competence Center for Adult Cystic Fibrosis through the Cystic Fibrosis Resource and Competence Center . Thoracic oncology is also at the heart of our service, which is a benchmark for the management of mesothelioma and thymic tumors.

Pneumology department aims to treat all respiratory diseases. The service is certified as a Competence Center for Pulmonary Hypertension, a Competence Center for Rare Diseases and Pulmonary Fibrosis, and a Competence Center for Adult Cystic Fibrosis through the Cystic Fibrosis Resource and Competence Center . Thoracic oncology is also at the heart of our service, which is a benchmark for the management of mesothelioma and thymic tumors.

  • Consulting & Team

    General pulmonology

    Pr Emmanuel Bergot, Dr Aurélien Justet, Dr Jeannick Madelaine, Dr Frédéric Rivière, Dr Romain Magnier, Dr Karine Campbell, Dr Helen Fouquet, Dr Simon Deshayes, Dr Pierre Cuchet, Dr Laure Seyer, Dr Alice Levy, Dr Élisabeth Hello, Dr Léonard Jacson, Dr Grolleau Dtephanie, Dr Leite ferreira Dimitri, Dr Gillard Hugo, Dr Haegy Jeanne
    Consultation schedule

    Severe asthma and allergology

    Pr Emmanuel Bergot, Dr Aurélien Justet, Dr Helen Fouquet, Dr Laure Seyer, Dr Alice Levy, Dr Lea Frigi
    Consultation schedule

    Interstitial lung diseases and rare lung diseases

    Pr Emmanuel Bergot, Dr Aurélien Justet, Dr Frédéric Rivière
    Consultation schedule

    Pulmonary Hypertension

    Professor Emmanuel Bergot
    Consultation schedule

    Neuromuscular pathology and chronic respiratory failure

    Dr. Pierre Cuchet
    Consultation schedule

    Thoracic oncology (bronchopulmonary cancer mesothelioma thymic epithelial tumor)

    Dr Jeannick Madelaine, Dr Simon Deshayes, Dr Léonard Jacson, Dr Leite ferreira Dimitri
    Consultation schedule

    Adult cystic fibrosis and severe BDD

    Dr. Karine Campbell
    Consultation schedule

    Psychology (cystic fibrosis transplantation)

    Ms Marie Bernard

    Bronchial endoscopy and examination of the pleura

    Pr Emmanuel Bergot, Dr Seyer Laure, Dr Aurélien Justet, Dr Frédéric Rivière, Dr Romain Magnier, Dr Karine Campbell, Dr Helen Fouquet, Dr Simon Deshayes, Dr Pierre Cuchet, Dr Élisabeth Bonjour, Dr Léonard Jacson, Dr Stéphanie Grolleau, Dr Leite ferreira Dimitri, Dr Levy Alice, Dr Gillard Hugo, Dr Haegy Jeanne

      Composition of service

      • 1 University Professor · Hospital Practitioner
      • 1 University Lecturer · Hospital Practitioner
      • 2 Heads of University Clinics · Hospital Assistant
      • 6 Hospital Practitioners
      • 4 Specialist Assistants
      • 2 Junior Doctors
      • 1 health executive
      Team detail
    • Our support


      The pulmonology department of the CHU Caen Normandie directed by Pr Emmanuel Bergot takes care of all pathologies affecting the respiratory system.

      The service is labeled Competence Center for pulmonary hypertension, rare pulmonary diseases and fibrosis, cystic fibrosis. Thoracic oncology, therefore the management of lung cancer, is also at the heart of our service, which is a reference for the management of mesothelioma and thymic tumours.

      The 4 main axes of the service
      • A hospitalization service with 34 conventional beds at level 21-10/21-20 and 6 continuing care beds at level 16-22;
      • A day and week hospital service allowing patients to come and carry out scheduled check-ups and receive treatments adapted to their pathology, in particular chemotherapy;
      • Thoracic endoscopy where technical procedures such as endoscopy, echoendoscopy, examinations of the pleura are performed;
      • Consultations : doctors provide consultations throughout the week. These consultations are open to any patient, preferably directed to their attending physician or another specialist. The pulmonologists provide operational on-call 24 hours a day as part of the continuity of care;

      Finally, the department provides education for medical, pharmacy and nursing students and participates in numerous clinical research projects.


      Thoracic oncology, mesothelioma and thymic tumors

      The thoracic oncology activity developed over many years represents approximately 270 new cases of thoracic cancer, mesothelioma or thymic tumors per year.

      • Patient care as soon as the diagnosis is suspected, based on an endoscopy technical platform and collaboration with the thoracic surgery and anatomopathology departments,
      • Therapeutic management (chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, supportive care) . An experienced medical and paramedical team accompanies patients on a daily basis in monitoring their illness and coordinates their care within the day and week hospital as well as in the conventional hospital pulmonology department.

      Therapeutic decisions are made during a weekly thoracic oncology CPR involving a radiotherapist, a radiologist, pulmonologists, a clinical research associate, a thoracic surgeon, a pathologist, and the pain doctor.

      As part of the development of immunotherapy in bronchial cancer, the department takes part in a monthly CPR at the CHU de Caen dedicated to these new molecules.

      The service participates in a clinical research activity with participation in national (IFCT) and international clinical research protocols, in conjunction with the clinical research center of the CHU de Caen.

      The service is a reference center for the management of thymic tumors ( RCP Rhythmic) and mesothelioma.

      Pulmonary hypertension

      Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a disease characterized by increased pressure in the pulmonary arteries causing shortness of breath, the intensity of which can vary. The causes of pulmonary hypertension are multiple: cardiac, respiratory, vascular or embolic.

      The pulmonology department associated with the cardiology department of the CHU Caen Normandie is the only regional competence center for this disease providing both diagnostic and therapeutic care.

      The treatment of pulmonary hypertension, which is a particularly rare form of pulmonary hypertension, is based on specific medical treatment which can only be delivered in the competence center.

      The management is carried out by doctors specialized in this disease within the consultation service, functional cardiological explorations (right heart catheterization, echocardiography) or hospitalization.

      Patients can benefit from a therapeutic education program in the event of pulmonary hypertension.

      adult cystic fibrosis

      The pulmonology department provides care for adult patients with cystic fibrosis at the Center for Resources and Skills for Cystic Fibrosis ( CRCM ) of the CHU Caen Normandie.

      A multidisciplinary team (pulmonologist, coordinating nurse, dietician, social worker, physiotherapist, psychologist) ensures the care of these patients in all its aspects, both in consultation, day hospitalization and traditional hospitalization.



      The pneumology department allows the reception of patients with sensitive or multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, as soon as the diagnosis is suspected in order to allow the isolation of these patients in a private room, and if necessary in a negative pressure room.

      The initiation of the treatment is carried out within our department as well as the initial monitoring. Then, outgoing patients are regularly followed by a pulmonologist in consultation.

      In addition, Professor Emmanuel Bergot is in charge of the tuberculosis consultation of the Center for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases (CPMI) intended for the screening of contact subjects throughout the Calvados department, and located within the Clinique de la Miséricorde (Caen ).

      Interstitial lung disease, sarcoidosis, fibrosis and rare lung diseases

      The pulmonology department of CHU Caen Normandie is a competence center for the management of rare pulmonary diseases and participates in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with diseases such as sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, pulmonary pathologies entering in the context of connectivitis, vasculitis, or related to environmental or drug exposure.

      Specialized consultations are offered to patients referred by their attending physician or pulmonologist.

      A diagnostic or follow-up assessment can be carried out in a day hospital. When necessary, hospitalization will take place in a conventional unit or in the continuous care unit, in particular when the oxygen flows delivered are high and may require high-flow equipment.

      As an expert center in this field, the service offers monthly Multidisciplinary Discussions (MDD) to discuss the care of these patients, whether they are followed at the CHU Caen Normandie or by independent pulmonologists.

      Finally, innovative therapies are prescribed to patients according to their indications and research protocols are also proposed.

      Bronchial endoscopy and examination of the pleura

      The CHU Caen Normandie pneumology department has 1 complete technical platform with 11 endoscopes (5 videoendoscopes, 3 fiber optics, 3 echendoscopes) , 2 operating rooms, 2 independent computerized endoscope decontamination circuits with computer traceability. One morning per week is reserved for examinations under general anesthesia.

      Bronchial dilatations

      The pulmonology department monitors patients with bronchial dilatations other than cystic fibrosis.

      Patients benefit from comprehensive care with outpatient follow-up, day hospital check-ups and hospitalization in the conventional sector in the event of an exacerbation.

      Severe asthma

      Severe asthma is a frequent pathology with which it is possible to live well when the treatment is adapted.

      To achieve this objective, the CHU Caen Normandie pneumology department offers a consultation dedicated to this pathology taking into account all its aspects (in particular allergology and the impact of the environment) .

      If additional examinations are necessary, day hospitalization can be scheduled before your file is discussed again in a collegial manner and optimal care is offered to you.

      New treatments are coming onto the market but they require a prescription and hospital monitoring.

      Pulmonary involvement of neuromuscular pathologies

      The pulmonology department participates in the multidisciplinary follow-up of patients within the center of competence for neuromuscular pathologies and the center of the FILSAN sector of the CHU de Caen.

      Expertise in setting up and monitoring cough-aid and non-invasive ventilation treatments. Support in consultation, day and week hospital.

      In addition, we provide follow-up for tracheostomized patients on an outpatient basis.


      The pulmonology department of Caen University Hospital specializes in the management of moderate to high-abundance hemoptysis thanks to 24-hour endoscopy on-call duty associated with interventional radiology on-call duty (the only one in the region) allowing the performance if this is necessary, arterioembolization.

      The service can also rely on the thoracic surgery service in the event of refractory haemoptysis.

      Chronic respiratory failure and non-invasive ventilation

      Pulmonological monitoring of patients with severe respiratory failure.

      Pneumological care combining specialized respiratory monitoring, exercise retraining, expertise in instrumental physiotherapy and NIV. Participation in the regional respiratory failure staff.

      Management of comorbidities in a multidisciplinary manner in conjunction with the nutrition and cardiology departments, the spine institute, and the functional rehabilitation department.

      Sleep Apnea

      The pulmonology department carries out, in conjunction with the sleep unit of the CHU Caen Normandie, the diagnosis and management of patients with sleep apnea syndrome.

      Ventilatory polygraphy is performed overnight in a day hospital. The fitting and follow-up of these patients is then done in a pulmonology consultation.

    Locate / contact service


    Côte de Nacre Hospital

    Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
    CS 30001
    14033 Caen cedex 9


    Service Secretariat

    Level GPS accessCar park Hall E-mail
    Consultations · Door A
    Côte de Nacre Tower
    Level : 1
    GPS access: Côte de Nacre
    Car Park: Car Park 2
    North Entrance Côte de Nacre
    Conventional hospitalization 10 20 units
    Côte de Nacre Tower
    Level : 21
    GPS Access: Main
    Car Park: Car Park 1
    Main Entrance of Caen Normandy University Hospital
    Continuing Care Unit Unit 22
    Côte de Nacre Tower
    Level : 16
    GPS Access: Main
    Car Park: Car Park 1
    Main Entrance of Caen Normandy University Hospital
    Ambulatory Medicine Unit Unit 10
    Côte de Nacre Tower
    Level : 15
    GPS Access: Main
    Car Park: Car Park 1
    Main Entrance of Caen Normandy University Hospital
    Technical platform endoscopy/examinations of the pleura unit 30
    Côte de Nacre Tower
    Level : 21
    GPS Access: Main
    Car Park: Car Park 1
    Main Entrance of Caen Normandy University Hospital
    Cancer day hospital · Porte C
    Côte de Nacre Tower
    Level : 1
    GPS access: Côte de Nacre
    Car Park: Car Park 2
    North Entrance Côte de Nacre