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About 100 people take part in pharmacy activities: pharmacists, pharmacy assistants and laboratory technicians, pharmacy interns and students, administrative agents, handling agents, storekeepers, nurses and sterilization assistants.

Opening hours : Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Secretariat: 02 31 06 46 66

About 100 people take part in pharmacy activities: pharmacists, pharmacy assistants and laboratory technicians, pharmacy interns and students, administrative agents, handling agents, storekeepers, nurses and sterilization assistants.

Opening hours : Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Secretariat: 02 31 06 46 66

  • Crew

    Composition of service

    • 1 university lecturer · hospital practitioner
    • 1 attached practitioner
    • 16 hospital practitioners
    • 5 specialist assistants
    • 1 health executive
    • 1 senior health manager
    Team detail
  • Our activities


    Your doctor has prescribed one or more medications that are only available in hospital pharmacies. Here is the procedure to follow to pick up your treatment at the CHU pharmacy.

    1. Click here to make an appointment (link to find)
    2. To access the CHU pharmacy, refer to the map
    3. Go to the entrance office indicated on the map, level 0, in order to register. This registration must be renewed every year in the event of chronic treatment.
    4. Bring your Carte vitale , Identity card and Mutual insurance card if you have one.
    5. This registration can be done online at the following address:
    6. For any additional information related to your registration, you can call 02 31 06 48 67
    7. Go to the pharmacy with the document given by the admissions office
    8. This treatment will be delivered to you for one month

    Cases of exceptional deliveries : a request for exceptional reimbursement for a dispensation of more than one month must be accompanied by an approach by the patient to his fund

    For any request for information concerning your coverage by the pharmacy, you can send an email to

    Useful links :

    Two parts :

    • Supported
    • Patient documents proper use of medicines
    • Clinical trial appointments
    • “Pharmaceutical supplier” access

    The main mission of the pharmacy is to:

    • To ensure the management, supply, verification of safety devices, preparation, control, detention, evaluation and dispensing of sterile drugs and medical devices and experimental drugs and to ensure their quality
    • To deliver medicines and medical devices intended for hospitalized patients from prescriptions issued by hospital doctors or purchase orders. It also delivers medicines not available in pharmacies for outpatients (retrocession activity).
    • Manage the purchase, supply, control, storage and delivery of pharmaceutical products.
    • Ensure the production of certain dangerous and non-dangerous sterile and non-sterile preparations.
    • Carry out information actions and participate in any process aimed at improving the quality and safety of processing.
    • Carry out any clinical pharmacy action, namely to contribute to the security, relevance and efficiency of the use of health products and to contribute to the quality of care, in collaboration with the other members of the care team and involving the patient
    • Participate in the training of future pharmaceutical professionals in conjunction with the UFR Health and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Caen.
    • Develop research projects with the UFR Santé and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Caen
    • Working with the Indoor Pharmacies of the GHT Normandie Center
    Activity area
    • Clinical pharmacy sector
    • Early access sector, dispensing specific drugs to outpatients (retrocession) , link with the city
      Management of specialties with Marketing Authorization (AMM), early access, drugs from the hospital reserve, narcotics, blood-derived drugs.
      Issuance of pharmaceutical products for penitentiary establishments.
    • Automation sector – computerization
    • Flow and supply management sector: drugs and medical devices
    • Markets sector: drugs and medical devices
    • Pharmacotechnics sector:
      hospital and masterful preparations within the preparatory unit, the non-hazardous sterile preparations unit (UPSND), anti-cancer chemotherapy preparation unit (UPC). Preparation control laboratory. Medical fluids, medical gases and waters for hemodialysis
    • Sterilization of medical devices
    • Sector Clinical Trials
    • Quality assurance – risk management – ​​vigilance:
      participation in pharmacovigilance in connection with the CRPV and management of materiovigilance
    • Hospital-university teaching and research
    • Coordination of the Medicines and Sterile Medical Devices Committee.
    Optimization of drug management for the elderly

    The challenges of the Optimédoc project:

    Optimédoc is an interdisciplinary and multi-professional course for the elderly around a city-hospital collaboration. The general practitioner, the dispensing pharmacist as well as the hospital support system made up of a hospital pharmacist and a geriatrician work together around the drug management of people aged 75 and over, polymedicated, hospitalized or no, presenting a significant iatrogenic risk (all the undesirable effects caused by taking one or more drugs) .

    The objective of this course is to optimize the medical care of elderly patients with the help of decisions made during RCP (multidisciplinary consultation meetings) between the city and the hospital.

    The Optimédoc system:

    The inclusion of the elderly subject at high iatrogenic risk in the system is done:

    • for patients living in town: following identification and referral by the attending physician to this system by telephone on 02 31 06 53 17 .
      The initial screening criterion is a prescription containing more than 5 drugs for people aged 75 or over.
    • for hospitalized patients: following identification and intra-hospital referral to this device with the agreement of the attending physician and the patient.

    The course is divided into 4 stages:

    1. Inclusion
    2. Specialized assessment
    3. Consultation
    4. Follow up

    Useful document(s)

    Vaccination 2024

    Vaccination 2024

    Covid / RSV Information
    eye drops

    eye drops

    With autologous serum
    Oral Direct Anticoagulant (DOA)

    Oral Direct Anticoagulant (DOA)

    Information & treatment follow-up book
    Personal patient treatment management

    Personal patient treatment management

    Management of personal treatments


    Personalized reassessment and follow-up of your drug treatment
    Retrocession Pharmacy

    Retrocession Pharmacy

    Pharmacy Retrocession Plan

    Locate / contact service


    Building Logistics Pharmacy Administration

    Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
    CS 30001
    14033 Caen cedex 9


    Service Secretariat

    Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. · Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

    Level GPS accessCar park Hall E-mail
    Building Logistics Pharmacy Administration
    Level : 0
    GPS access: Hospital pharmacy
    Parking: Parking 9
    Hospital pharmacy entrance
    Building Logistics Pharmacy Administration
    Level : 0
    GPS access: Hospital pharmacy
    Parking: Parking 9
    Hospital pharmacy entrance