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Mycology Parasitology
Mycology Parasitology

Mycology Parasitology

Mycology Parasitology

Mycology · Parasitology department provides diagnosis, monitoring and prevention of deep and superficial fungal infections and endemic and tropical parasitoses in hospitalized patients or consultants at the Caen Normandy University Hospital and at the François Baclesse Cancer Center.

The laboratory is integrated into the DAI

Mycology · Parasitology department provides diagnosis, monitoring and prevention of deep and superficial fungal infections and endemic and tropical parasitoses in hospitalized patients or consultants at the Caen Normandy University Hospital and at the François Baclesse Cancer Center.

The laboratory is integrated into the DAI

  • Our support


    The Parasitology-Mycology laboratory is structured into different sectors corresponding to distinct biological activities:

    • Conventional parasitology: Diagnosis of endemic and tropical parasitic infections
    • Conventional mycology: direct examinations, cultures and study of sensitivity to antifungals.
    • Fungal serologies: Aspergillus serologies, Candida serologies, Cryptococcal antigen, BD-glucan.
    • Parasite serology: Toxoplasmosis serology (ELISA and IgG and IgM chemiluminescence, ISAGA)
    • Molecular biology: PCR Toxoplasmosis, PCR Aspergillus and Mucorales, PCR Pneumocystis, PCR Microsporidia, PCR Leishmania.
    • Fungal identification activity and participation in aspergillus monitoring in conjunction with the Hospital Hygiene laboratory.

    The service has ministerial approval for the antenatal diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.

    • Biological duty 7/7, 24/24 for the diagnosis of malaria, pneumocystosis and neuro-meningeal cryptococcosis.
    • Epidemiological surveillance and declaration activity with CNRs such as the CNR for Invasive Mycoses, CNR Microsporidiosis and Cryptosporidiosis, CNR Toxoplasmosis, CNR Malaria, CNR Leishmania, CNR Echinococcosis.
    • Mission of training and supervision of theses and dissertations with interns of the DES in Medical Biology or other DES outside the sector and with students in training (BTS, IUT, L3, M1, M2, etc.).
    • Consulting services for the interpretation of biological results and diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for clinicians and fellow biologists.
  • Teaching and research

    (medicine, pharmacy, midwifery) and paramedical ( IBODE , IDE , etc.) health professionals in the region, as well as to university science students. of Caen (L2, L3, M1, M2) .

    The team is also involved in various clinical and cross-disciplinary research projects at local and national level through the network of CNRs .

    For basic research, the biologists are affiliated with the ToxEMAC - ABTE ABTE unit ) , in particular axis 2 "Bioaerosols, Fungal biodiversity and Health", under the responsibility of Pr David Garon, whose objectives include 2 parts: the first based on the study of bioaerosols and fungal strains collected from air samples and contaminated materials, with an angle focusing on the role of climatic determinants on the growth and toxicity of fungal species and the the second concerns the enhancement of fungal biodiversity.

  • The latest news related to the service…

Medical biology laboratory

Medical biology laboratory

The directory of medical biology analyzes of the CHU Caen Normandie is available here.

Locate / contact service

Mycology Parasitology

Building Biology Research

Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
CS 30001
14033 Caen cedex 9

Mycology Parasitology

Service Secretariat

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Mycology Parasitology
Building Biology Research
Level : 1
GPS Access: BBR Public
Access Building Biology Research