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Maxillofacial surgery
Maxillofacial surgery

Maxillofacial surgery

Maxillofacial surgery

The department's mission is to treat benign and cancerous tumors of the mouth, gums and jaws, skin tumors, naso-labio-palatal clefts, jaw positioning anomalies and other malformations and facial disgraces. .

The department's mission is to treat benign and cancerous tumors of the mouth, gums and jaws, skin tumors, naso-labio-palatal clefts, jaw positioning anomalies and other malformations and facial disgraces. .

  • Consulting & Team

    Maxilofacial surgery

    Pr Hervé Benateau, Pr Alexis Veyssière, Dr Anne Chatellier, Dr Rachid Garmi, Dr Béatrice Ambroise, Dr Clément Petitjean, Dr Anh-Claire Bildstein
    Consultation schedule

    Oral surgery

    Dr Jean-François Sergent, Dr Élise Soufflet, Dr Houcem Khenifi
    Consultation schedule

      Composition of service

      • 2 University Professors Hospital Practitioners
      • 1 Head of Clinic of Universities · Assistant of Hospitals
      • 9 Hospital Practitioners
      • 4 Specialist Assistants
      • 1 Technical Officer
      • 4 health executives
      Team detail
    • Our support


      The Maxillofacial, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Oral Surgery, Implantology and Odontology department is responsible for the management of benign and cancerous tumors of the mouth, gums and jaws, skin tumors, nasal clefts, labio-palatine, jaw positioning anomalies and other facial malformations and disgraces, such as nose deformities, but also the management of facial paralysis, facial traumatic sequelae as well as post-bariatric surgery. It also treats snoring and sleep apnea in partnership with the CHU Caen Normandie sleep unit.

      A cosmetic surgery activity of the face has also been offered since 2022.

      The service also takes care of maxillofacial emergencies (facial wounds, trauma and fractures of the face and teeth, infections of dental origin) , dental implantology, pre-prosthetic surgery and oral surgery (cysts, extractions delicate teeth) as part of the coordinated care pathway.

      Service specifics

      Competence Center :

      CMF service is also a competence center for the management of facial malformations and clefts (MAFACE)

      Multidisciplinary consultation meeting:

      • Cutaneous oncology with dermatologists, oncologists and radiotherapists
      • Oncology of the upper aerodigestive tract with oncologists, radiotherapists and ENT .
      • Sleep Apnea with Sleep Unit Practitioners

      Multidisciplinary consultations:

      • Facial clefts with orthodontists, ENT , speech therapists, prosthetist and psychologist
      • Craniofacial malformations with neurosurgeons
      • Angiomas and other vascular abnormalities with dermatologists, interventional radiologists
      • Congenital nevi with dermatologists
      • Facial paralysis with ENT and speech therapists
      • Orbital-palpebral surgery with ophthalmologists
      A regional healthcare mission

      the areas of activity of the maxillofacial surgery department:

      • Orthognathic surgery (treatment of anomalies in the positioning of the jaws) ,
      • Surgery of facial malformations (surgery of cleft lip and palate, surgery of otomandibular dysplasia, etc.)
      • Treatment of facial paralysis (injection of botulinum toxin and palliative resuscitation of the smile by surgery),
      • Surgery for tumors, melanomas and other skin cancers,
      • Surgery for tumors and cancers of the oral cavity and jaws,
      • Surgery for nose deformities and other malformations and facial disgraces: Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty, Blepharoplasty,
      • Cosmetic surgery of the face (lower and upper blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, otoplasty, cervico-facial lifting, lipostructure of the face, injection of botulinum toxin, injection of hyaluronic acid, submental liposuction) ,
      • Post-bariatric weight loss surgery (abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, cruroplasty),
      • Management of salivary gland pathologies,
      • Management of sleep apnea syndrome and ronchopathy,
      • Traumatology and its facial sequelae (skin grafts, tissue expansion, osteogenic bone distractions, free flaps),
      • Management of mouth diseases and oral surgery (cysts, delicate dental extractions),

      The maxillofacial surgery department also treats maxillofacial emergencies addressed by the University Hospital Emergency Medicine of the CHU or another hospital, or by town doctors after prior agreement from the maxillofacial surgeon on duty. (facial wounds, trauma, fractures of the face and teeth, infections of dental origin) .

       The practical oral surgery unit:

      • dental implantology,
      • pre-implant and pre-prosthetic surgery,
      • the management of diseases of the mouth and oral surgery (cysts, delicate dental extractions),
      • orthodontics of facial malformations (facial clefts, otomandibular dysplasia)
      A teaching mission

      It translates to:

      • The training of future maxillofacial surgeons and oral surgeons
      • The maxillofacial surgeon is a specialist doctor who has completed 12 years of study: six years of medical studies, followed by a four-year surgical internship and a two-year post-internship.
        During his internship, he had to complete internships in different specialties such as Plastic surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic or Visceral Surgery in order to validate the Diploma of Specialized Studies in maxillofacial surgery , to be a surgeon specializing in maxillofacial surgery .
        The maxillofacial surgeon operates in the fields of oncology, traumatology, reconstruction, aesthetics and implant surgery.
        He is also able to carry out all kinds of interventions such as, for example, taking tissue from anywhere in the body to graft it into a free flap on the face. He knows how to manage the consequences and possible complications of his interventions. He was also “trained” in surgical emergencies during his on-call periods in the hospitals he attended.
      • The oral surgeon is a specialist doctor or dental surgeon specializing in oral surgery.
        After their respective competition, a 4-year internship is necessary. During the first 2 years of internship, a heavy upgrading program (in medicine for interns from the dental sector and in odontology for those from the medical sector) is carried out. During his internship, he had to complete 7 internships in oral surgery, including 2 necessarily under the responsibility of a doctor and 2 under the responsibility of an odontologist to validate the Diploma of Specialized Studies in oral surgery . The oral surgeon is skilled in the medico-surgical treatment of diseases of the jaws and adjoining tissues. Its field of expertise revolves around simple and complex oral implantology (oral reconstruction using zygomatic implants, etc.), pre-implant surgery (bone grafts, etc.) and orthodontics (release of canines, corticotomies, etc.), benign tumors of jaws, medical management of non-tumor salivary pathologies (lithiasis, etc.), temporomandibular joint disorders, alveolar-dental traumatology, oral dermatology, orofacial pain, etc.

      Continuing medical training and permanent improvement of the department's surgeons

      It is carried out within the various service meetings and by active participation in the national and international congresses of the various scientific societies of which the surgeons are members (for example : the French Society of Stomatology, Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Surgery, the French Association of Facial Surgeons, the French Society of Cervico-Facial Oncology, the French Society of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the European Association for Cranio-MaxilloFacial Surgery, the Francophone Association of Facial Clefts) .

      External consultations

      Consultations are given exclusively by appointment with a letter from a doctor (treating party or specialist) or dentist.

      They cover all aspects of the discipline and are provided by practitioners who are all qualified and specialized in a particular field. This is why when making your appointment, the secretary will ask you the subject of your consultation in order to direct you to the most appropriate practitioner (unless your letter is for a particular practitioner) .

      Many procedures under local anesthesia (without hospitalization) are carried out in outpatient clinics.


      Outpatient hospitalization (1 day)

      Some operations can take place under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis: these operations are carried out by CHU surgeons in specially equipped premises, reserved for this activity and made available to the CHU by the Clinique de la Miséricorde.

      Weekly hospitalization (less than 5 days)

      These hospitalizations are from Monday morning from 7 a.m. until Friday 6 p.m., excluding public holidays.

      Conventional hospitalization (more than 5 days)


      Jaw positioning abnormalities (orthognathic surgery, temporomandibular joint pathologies)

      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Dr Rachid Garmi
      • Dr Beatrice Ambroise

      Nasolabio-palatal clefts

      • Surgery
        • Professor Herve Benateau
        • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Orthodontics
        • Dr. Didier Cabouret
        • Dr Jean-Francois Sergent
        • Dr Elise Soufflet

      Traumatology and sequelae of facial trauma (skin grafts, tissue expansion, osteogenic bone distractions, free flaps)

      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Dr Rachid Garmi
      • Dr Beatrice Ambroise

      Facial paralysis: injection of botulinum toxin and surgery

      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Dr Rachid Garmi
      • Dr Beatrice Ambroise

      Tumors and cancers of the oral cavity and jaws

      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Dr Rachid Garmi
      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Dr Beatrice Ambroise

      Pathology of the orbits and eyelids

      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Dr Rachid Garmi
      • Dr Beatrice Ambroise

      Angiomas and arteriovenous malformations

      • Dr. Anne Chatellier

      Nose deformities and other facial disgraces: Rhinoplasty, otoplasty, blepharoplasty

      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Dr Rachid Garmi
      • Dr Beatrice Ambroise

      Plastic surgery

      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Dr Rachid Garmi

      Tumors, melanomas and skin cancers

      • Dr Beatrice Ambroise
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Dr Rachid Garmi

      Pathologies of the salivary glands

      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Dr Rachid Garmi

      Sleep apnea syndrome and ronchopathy

      • Professor Alexis Veyssière

      Maxillofacial emergencies: facial wounds, trauma, facial fractures, dental infections, etc.

      Post-bariatric weight loss (abdominoplasty, brachioplasty)

      • Dr Rachid Garmi

      Diseases of the mouth and oral surgery

      • Dr Dany Diep
      • Dr Jean-Francois Sergent
      • Dr Elise Soufflet
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier

      Pre-implant surgery

      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Dr Rachid Garmi
      • Dr Beatrice Ambroise

      Dental implantology

      • Dr Jean-Francois Sergent
      • Dr Elise Soufflet

      Pre-implant and pre-prosthetic surgery

      • Dr Jean-Francois Sergent
      • Dr Elise Soufflet
      • Professor Herve Benateau
      • Professor Alexis Veyssière
      • Dr. Anne Chatellier
      • Dr Rachid Garmi
      • Dr Beatrice Ambroise

      Dental care

      • Dr Hervé Le Tarnec
      • Dr Constance Ambroise
      • Dental surgeons attached to the service (Drs Khalil Dawod, Laurent Olive) and odontology students from Rennes University Hospital.

      Useful document(s)

      Odontology welcome booklet

      Odontology welcome booklet

      Medical information booklet

      Medical information booklet

      Before removal of wisdom teeth
      Medical information booklet

      Medical information booklet

      Orthognathic surgery
      Medical information booklet

      Medical information booklet

      Face slit
      Food aid guide

      Food aid guide

      Child born with a facial cleft
      Medical information booklet

      Medical information booklet

      Sentinel node technique for melanoma
      Medical information booklet

      Medical information booklet

      Skin expansion
      • The research

        Clinical research

        Clinical research work is carried out in the Maxillofacial Surgery department in collaboration with other departments, in areas relating to the improvement of cancer diagnosis and treatment by the sentinel lymph node technique, the improvement of reconstructive surgery procedures in certain malformations and in certain major damages of post-traumatic origin.

        Significant grants from the Gueules Cassées Foundation have been awarded to the department on several occasions to support original and innovative work in clinical research on serious facial traumatological sequelae through the development of tailor-made osteogenic bone distraction equipment. .

        The service is a pioneer in terms of presurgical three-dimensional planning and computer-assisted surgery, in the fields of bone reconstruction and orthognathic surgery. This planning is done in close collaboration with clinical engineers who depend on the equipment design laboratory (plates and custom-made titanium implants, cutting guides, installation guides, etc.) . Publications in international journals have been made on this theme, as well as communications in international congresses.

        Finally, the maxillofacial surgery department is attached to the connective tissue biochemistry laboratory of Karim Boumedienne (EA 3214), and works on the contribution of growth factors in bone and cartilage reconstruction. Several members of our surgical team have completed their Research Masters on one of these themes.

        A research mission, at the heart of innovation

        Several research themes are developed in the Maxillofacial Surgery department in collaboration with other departments, in areas relating to the improvement of diagnosis and treatment in facial reconstruction.

        Substantial grants from the “Fondation des Gueules Cassées” or the “Filière TÊTE COU” have been awarded to the department on several occasions to support its original and innovative research work:

        customized bone surgery: the service is a pioneer in terms of presurgical three-dimensional planning and computer-assisted surgery, in the fields of bone reconstruction and orthognathic surgery. This planning is done in close collaboration with clinical engineers who depend on the equipment design laboratory (custom-made titanium plates and implants, cutting guides, installation guides, etc.). Several interns, supervised by seniors from the department, have completed their Master of Science Research on the study of native, distracted or even decellularized mandibular biomechanics. Publications in international journals have been made on this theme, as well as communications in international congresses.

        • decellularized tissue: the maxillofacial surgery department also works with the connective tissue biochemistry laboratory (BIOCONNECT) of Karim BOUMEDIENNE (EA 7451), on ear cartilage engineering from decellularized matrix, on the contribution growth factors in bone and cartilage reconstruction. One of the practitioners has also defended his science thesis on this theme.
        • auricular molding: the department also obtained funding for the management of ear deformities in newborns by applying made-to-measure silicone moulds. These forces allow the cartilage to be put back in place without the need for surgery. This care is done in the first days of life (before D10).
        • All this research activity has been enhanced by communications at conferences as well as scientific articles in international journals.

        Articles published by the service in the last 10 years

        1. Veyssiere A, Weill P, Bildstein AC, Preudhomme R, Bénateau H. How accurate is computer assisted mandible gunshot wound management by patient specific distraction device? preoperative planning versus postoperative outcomes. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 SEP (article accepted)
        2. Masson A, Veyssiere A, Briant A, Weill P, Preud'homme R, Benateau H. Risk factors for lower border notching after bilateral mandibular sagittal ramus advancement: three-dimensional evaluation. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Sep 14:S0901-5027(22)00354-X. doi: 10.1016/j.ijom.2022.08.020.
        3. Weill P, Veyssiere A, Rosette J, Vacher C, Benateau H. Embryological approach to philtral hair sparsity in bilateral cleft lip deformities. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Sep 9:S2468-7855(22)00256-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2022.09.009
        4. Rosette J, Eslier M, Boutros M, Garmi R, Benateau H, Veyssiere A. Towards an evolution in ambulatory surgery for orbital floor repair? Our experience over a period of 11 years. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Aug 31:S2468-7855(22)00235-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2022.08.011.
        5. Bildstein AC, Fourdrain A, Preud'homme R, Salami A, Veyssiere A, Bénateau H. Rerouting the internal thoracic vessels as recipient vessels in head and neck reconstruction: comparison of two anatomic approaches. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2022.
        6. Weill P, Garmi R, Thobie A, Benateau H, Veyssiere A. Focus on the use of maxillomandibular fixation in mandibular fracture oseosynthesis. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Jan 29:S2468-7855(22)00028-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2022.01.011.
        7. Masson A, Weill P, Preudhomme R, Boutros M, Veyssière A, Bénateau H. Retrospective study of long-term hard and soft tissue stability after advancement genioplasty with the use of rigid osteosynthesis. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Jan 5:S2468-7855(22)00001-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2022.01.001.
        8. Preudhomme R, Veyssiere A, Ambroise B, Benateau H. Hallermann Streiff syndrome: Cranio-facial manifestations systematic review and report of two cases. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 Nov 17:S2468-7855(21)00242-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2021.11.002.
        9. Elbaz B, Veyssière A, Boutros M, Ambroise B, Preudhomme R, Bénateau H. Correction of lip and nasal deformities in bilateral cleft operated with Le Mesurier procedure. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 Jun 30:S2468-7855(21)00138-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2021.06.012.
        10. Kün-Darbois JD, Kahn A, Khonsari RH, Gueutier A, Baldini N, Corre P, Bertin H, Provost M, Lesclous P, Ansidei CM, Majoufre C, Louvrier A, Meyer C, Ammari H, Rougeot A, Moret A, Poisbleau D, Nicot R, Marti-Flich L, Ferri J, Lutz JC, Prevost R, .Kimakhe J, Poulet V, Lauwers F, Veyssiere A, Benateau H, Dang NP, Barthelemy I, Foletti JM, Chossegros C, Queiros C , Laure B, Pare A, de Boutray M. Significant decrease of facial cellulitis admissions during Covid -19 lockdown in France: a multicentric comparative study. .J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 Feb 14:S2468-7855(21)00040-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2021.02.001.
        11. Rosette J, Garmi R, Boutros M, Sinelnikov M, Bénateau H, Veyssiere A. Letter to the editor: International survey on arterial spasm during free flap surgery. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2020 Nov 11:S1748-6815(20)30563-5. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2020.10.066.
        12. Allas L, Brochard S, Rochoux Q, Ribet J, Dujarrier C, Veyssiere A, Aury-Landas J, Grard O, Leclercq S, Vivien D, Ea HK, Maubert E, Cohen-Solal M, Boumediene K, Agin V, Baugé C. EZH2 inhibition reduces cartilage loss and functional impairment related to osteoarthritis. Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 11;10(1):19577. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-76724-9
        13. de Boutray M, Kün-Darbois JD, Sigaux N, Lutz JC, Veyssiere A, Sesque A, Savoldelli C, Dakpe S, Bertin H, Lallemant B, Llobet A, du Cailar M, Lauwers F, Davrou J, Foletti JM. Impact of the Covid -19 lockdown on the epidemiology of maxillofacial trauma activity: a French multicentre comparative study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Nov 7:S0901-5027(20)30383-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ijom.2020.10.00
        14. Drouet J, Garmi R, Ambroise B, Chatellier A, Veyssière A, Benateau H. Labiomental sensation after segmental mandibulectomy and inferior alveolar nerve preservation for osteoradionecrosis. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Oct 20:S2468-7855(20)30236-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2020.10.004
        15. Ambroise B, Reboursière E, Drouet J, Corre P, Benateau H, Veyssière Secondary prevention of fractures of the nasal region by a facial protection mask in athletes — Retrospective comparative study about 19 cases. Science & Sports (2020)
        16. Vetter M, Chatellier A, Maltezeanu A, De Mil R, Bénateau H, Veyssière A. The benefit of bilateral inferior alveolar nerve block in managing postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) after mandibular osteotomy. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2020;48:399-404.
        17. de Boutray M, Veyssiere A, Bekara F, Graillon N. Repair of gauge earlobe medium defect . J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Jan 2
        18. Boumédiene K, Hammad M, Dugué J, Veyssière A, Baugé C. Tissue engineering of different cartilage types: a review of different approaches and recent advances Int J Advanc Med Biotech, in press
        19. Kahn A, Kün-Darbois JD, Bénateau H, Veyssière A. Alveolar distraction osteogenesis of a fibula free flap in maxillary reconstruction . J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019;120:566-569.
        20. Bénateau H, Garmi R, Chatellier A, Ambroise B, Maltezeanu A, Veyssière A. The palatal or velar fistula in the clefts. Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2019;64:406-412.
        21. Prevost R, Keribin P, Batut C, Guichard B, Ambroise B, Bohra A, Benateau H, Veyssiere A. Management of non-syndromic craniosynostoses in France in 2015: A national survey . J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2019;47:556-560
        22. Ambroise B, Benateau H, Garmi R, Hauchard K, Prevost R, Veyssière A. The role of telemedicine in the management of maxillofacial trauma in emergency departments – preliminary results. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019;120:95-98.
        23. Prevost R, Jihane Kimakhe J, Diep D, Drouet J, Benateau H, Veyssiere A. The significance of computer-assisted surgery in avoiding double-barrel fibula grafts in reconstruction of the horizontal mandibular ramus J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019;120:167-171.
        24. Prevost R, Feugueur G, Moizan H, Keribin P, Kimakhe J, Veyssiere A. Management of patients with sickle cell disease in oral surgery: Literature Review and Update. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018;119:493-7.
        25. Ambroise B, Benateau H, Prevost R, Traoré H, Hauchard K, Dia H, Veyssière A. The contribution of telemedicine to humanitarian surgery J Cranio Maxillofac 2018;46:1368-72.
        26. Diakité C, Bénateau H, Dakpé S, Guerreschi P, Galinier P, Veyssiere A. Management of nasopharyngeal teratomas associated with cleft palate Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019;48:291-7.
        27. Caillot A, Ambroise B, Bénateau H, Veyssiere A Impact of early intravelar veloplasty at six months on mandibular growth in patients with Pierre Robin sequence J Cranio Maxillofac 2018;46:1059-1064.
        28. Jean-Jacques B, Michels JJ, Veyssiere A, Haidar D. Microcystic adnexal carcinoma: A case report. Ann Pathol. Ann Patho 2018;38:198-201.
        29. Loin J, Pare A, Veyssiere A, Laccourreye L, Kün-Darbois JD. A rare location for a common tumor: Lingual lipoma. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018;119:236-237..
        30. Baldini N, Paré A, S. Badja S, Veyssière A, Kün-Darbois JD. Cholesterol granuloma of the maxilla. Morphology 2018;102:41-43.
        31. Aswan C, Ambroise B, de Boutray M, Labbé D, Bénateau H, Veyssiere A. Tessier number 4 bilateral craniofacial cleft associated with amniotic band syndrome: 22 years of follow-up. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018;119:208-211.
        32. Veyssiere A, Leprovost N, Ambroise B, Prévost R, Chatellier A, Bénateau H. Study of the mechanical reliability of an S-shaped adjustable osteosynthesis plate for bilateral sagittal split osteotomies. Study on 15 consecutive cases. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018;119:19-24.
        33. Chopinaud M, Labbé D, Creveuil C, Marc M, Bénateau H, Mourgeon B, Chopinaud E, Veyssière A, Dompmartin A. Autologous Adipose Tissue Graft to Treat Hypertensive Leg Ulcer: A Pilot Study. 2017;233:234-41.
        34. Bénateau H, Veyssiere A, Trentesaux AS, Chatellier A, Bellot A. Cheiloplasty associated with a palatal obturator in a preterm infant with a cleft lip and palate. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac 2017;118:313-5 .
        35. Kun Darbois JD, Chatellier A, Paré A, Caillot A, Ambroise B, Bénateau H, Veyssiere A Congenital midline upper lip sinuses: three rare cases. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2018;55:292-295.
        36. Aswan C, Kadre A, Salami A, Veyssière A. An obstructive velar tumour. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017;118:137-8.
        37. Vivien A, Kowalski V, Chatellier A, Babin E, Bénateau H, Veyssière A. Quality of the information contained on French-speaking websites intended for the general public about the early diagnosis of cancers of the oral cavity. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017;118:20-8.
        38. Veyssière A, Ambroise B, Traoré H, Chatellier A, Caillot A, Bénateau H. Management of Large Maxillomandibular Osteofibrous Dysplasia as Part of a Humanitarian Mission. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017;75:436.e1-436.e10.
        39. Massereau E, Cheynet F, Bénateau H, Veyssiere A, Benchemam Y, Gallucci A, Hammoutène S, Chossegros C. Chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint: multicentric study and development from 14 cases. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale. 2016;117:234-9.
        40. Diep D, Fau V, Wdowik S, Bienvenu B, Bénateau H, Veyssière A. Dysfunction of the masticatory system and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome of the hypermobile type: a case-control study. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale. 2016, 117:228-33.
        41. Bénateau H, Chatellier A, Caillot A, Diep D, Kün Darbois JD, Veyssière A. Temporo-mandibular ankylosis. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale. 2016, 117:245-55.
        42. Bénateau H, Chatellier A, Caillot A, Labbé D, Veyssiere A. Computer-assisted planning of distraction osteogenesis for lower face reconstruction in gunshot traumas J Cranio Maxillofac. 2016, 44:1583-91.
        43. Caillot A, Veyssiere A, Chatellier A, Diep D, Ambroise B, Bénateau H. National survey: avulsion of mandibular wisdom teeth included in orthognathic surgery. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale. 2016, 117:131-5.
        44. Kün-Darbois JD, Molin A, Jeanne-Pasquier C, Paré A, Bénateau H, Veyssière A. Facial features in Harlequin ichthyosis: Clinical findings about 4 cases. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale. 2016;117:51-3.
        45. Gaudichon J, Jeanne-Pasquier C, Deparis M, Veyssière A, Heyndrickx M, Minckes O, Orbach D. Complete and Repeated Response of a Metastatic ALK-rearranged Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor to Crizotinib in a Teenage Girl. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2016;38:308-11.
        46. Bénateau H, Vazquez MP, Pellerin P, Veyssière A. Alveolar cleft closure managed by primary alveoloplasty. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2016;53:752-753.
        47. Veyssière A, Streit L, Traoré H, Bénateau H. Cleft Palate Caused by Congenital Teratoma. Paediatr Int Child Health, 2016;29:1-4.
        48. Bénateau H, Souza Martins Rocha C, de Souza Rocha F, Veyssiere A. Treatment of the nasal abnormalities of Hallermann-Streiff syndrome by lipofilling. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 ; 44:1246-9
        49. Veyssiere A, Kun-Darbois JD, Paulus C, Chatellier C, Caillot A, Bénateau H. Diagnosis and management of ankyloglossia in young children. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Oral, 2015; 116: 215-20.
        50. Benateau H, Traoré H, Chatellier A, Caillot A, Ambroise B, Veyssiere A. Care of the child in maxillofacial humanitarian mission. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Oral, 2015; 116:250-60.
        51. Bénateau H, Chatellier A, Veyssiere A. Cutaneous carcinology on the program of the 3rd Spring Day of the SFSCMFCO. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Oral, 2014; 115: 331-2.
        52. Veyssière A, Labbé D, Bénateau H Lengthening temporalis myoplasty and facial paralysis from birth. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 2015; 68: 312-20.
        53. Bénateau H, Vazquez MP, Pellerin P, Veyssière A. The closure of an alveolar cleft is done by primary alveoloplasty. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Oral, 2014; 115:263-4.
        54. Bénichou L, Caillot A, Veyssière A, Traore H, Khouri S, Bénateau H Large bicortical reconstruction of the calvarial bone with Hydroset® osteoconductive cement combined with a titanium grid. Preliminary study. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale, 2014;115:377-81.
        55. Caillot A, Veyssière A, Ambroise B, Bénateau H Spinal cord metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma of the maxillary . Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2015;132:97-9.
        56. Veyssière A, Taupin A, Leprovost N, Caillot A, Compère JF, Bénateau H. The split temporal muscle flap vascularized by the superficial temporal pedicle . Rev. Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 2013;114:377-80.
        57. Veyssière A, Rod J, Leprovost N, Caillot A, Labbé D, Gerdom A, Lengelé B, Bénateau H. Split temporalis muscle flap anatomy, vascularization and clinical applications. Surg Radiol Anat. 2013;35:573-8.

      Locate / contact service

      Maxillofacial surgery

      Côte de Nacre Hospital

      Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
      CS 30001
      14033 Caen cedex 9

      Maxillofacial surgery

      Service Secretariat

      Level GPS accessHall
      Maxillofacial surgery
      Côte de Nacre Hospital
      Level : 14
      GPS Access: Main
      Main Entrance of Caen Normandy University Hospital