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Summer jobs day for students

General public


Saturday April 6

Summer jobs day for students

Join the CHU Caen Normandie teams for this summer!

Are you interested in hospital careers? Are you doing or planning to do paramedical or medical studies? Caen Normandie University Hospital offers students the opportunity to gain their first professional experience during seasonal employment.

Positions and profiles

Around fifty replacement positions are offered to students, for the summer period from June 1 to September 30, 2024:

  • stretcher-bearer
  • Bio cleaning agent
  • Restoration agent
  • Caregiver*
  • General care nurse*
  • Midwife*

*diplomas or certificates of equivalence are required

This is an opportunity for future employees to gain their first professional experience, provided they are available for at least 4 consecutive weeks over the period.

The profiles sought

A course in health professions is preferred to obtain a position.

Caen Normandie University Hospital is looking for adults with a sense of service and good team spirit. Motivation, dynamism, punctuality and diligence are major assets.

Come to the CHU to apply

The recruitment-attractiveness department is organizing an information session on Saturday April 6 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the entrance hall of Caen Normandy University Hospital (egg lecture hall).

A presentation of the different professions as well as awareness of the establishment's expectations will be carried out. Candidates will be able to interact with representatives from each sector who will answer their questions.

Attendance at this morning is strongly recommended.

Candidates will have the opportunity to hand-deliver their CV and cover letter this morning.

In case of absence, they can also submit their documents on the corresponding job offer ( Click here ) before March 31.


Open to students

Saturday April 6
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Communication department of Caen Normandy University Hospital
CHU Caen Normandy

Press contacts

Department of Communication and Patronage
Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
CS 30001
14033 CAEN cedex 9