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Providing the best treatments for children with cancer

Golden September

Providing the best treatments for children with cancer

pediatric onco-hematology department at Caen Normandy University Hospital is dedicated to children aged 0 to 18 who are fighting cancer, whether leukemia or solid tumors.

The main objective is to cure these children and offer them the most normal life possible , with a minimum of long-term after-effects. Treatments most often combine chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy.

The service takes care of children from Lower Normandy, but not only. It is the only service authorized to care for children with cancer in the region.

Each year, 40 children are followed in active treatment, and around thirty come from other centers in France for radiotherapy. The teams support these children for years after their remission, which represents around 500 children permanently monitored at the Caen University Hospital. The establishment also has one of the three proton therapy centers in France.

Support the families of hospitalized children, make a donation for the creation of the Family House

Providing the best treatments for children with cancer

Communication department of Caen Normandy University Hospital
CHU Caen Normandy

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Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
CS 30001
14033 CAEN cedex 9